Patience and Persistence
I find photography requires lots of patience, persistence and is a constant learning process. Certainly, many photos are taken in fractions of a second, but the planning takes much longer.
Some astrophotography images require taking many long exposure light images, many dark images with the lens cap on but the same long exposure, then lots of post-processing to stack those many images and edit them in Lightroom. Many targets, such as the Rosette Nebula and the Orion Nebula, are only visible in the winter, at least in the Northern Hemisphere, thus requiring many cold nights behind the camera.
Even solar eclipse photography takes many hours of careful planning, and many hours of photography for those time lapse videos. Wildlife photography requires similar patience in pursuit of the perfect shot of the desired subject doing the desired activity. Usually, the wildlife does what it wants and I can only hope to get a lucky shot. Sometimes these pursuits take hours, days, weeks, and even years. I’m still pursuing some of these desired shots.
Some of the results of these pursuits are in the portfolio presented here. I hope you also enjoy these results as much as I do.
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